
The Enterprise pursuing the
globalization of Korean foods


SHS Food posseses various technology certificates
and patents based on accumulated technologies.

  • imgHACCP Certificate [Seasoned dried fish products]
  • imgHACCP Certificate [Seasoned fishery products_Frozen products]
  • imgQuality management system
  • imgManagement Innovation Certificate by SMB [MAIN_BIZ]
  • imgTrademark Registration [Cuttlefish & 4 more]
  • imgCertificate of Export Promising Enterprise
  • imgCertificate for Best Enterprise
  • imgCertificate of ISO 9001/2000 [Production and Distribution of Seasoned Cuttlefish]
  • imgRegistration Certificate of Fishery Production & Processing Facility
  • imgRegistration Certificate of Fishery Processing Business (Frozen, Cold)
  • imgCredit Guarantee Fund
    (best partner)
  • imgBusiness Declaration Certificate
    (Retailer, Distribution)
  • imgAwarded by the Superintendent of Gangneung Tax Office (Advanced Tax Payment)
  • imgAwarded as Best Enteprise for Local Improvement
  • imgAwarded as Best Enterprise
  • imgCertificate of Merit by the Korea sasan Trade Association